Faculty & Staff Resources

Teach the Wisconsin Experience Seminar

University faculty and staff, who hold a master’s degree or higher and want to help new students transition successfully to academic and student life, are encouraged to apply to teach the Wisconsin Experience Seminar (Counseling Psychology 125).

First-Year Seminar Administrators Group

OSTFE coordinates a network of first-year seminar instructors and administrators from across campus. Meetings are held 2-3 times a year, and resources and opportunities are shared via a list-serv. To join the list-serv, email join-firstyearseminars@lists.wisc.edu. Learn more about the first-year seminars at UW here.


Teaching First-Year Students Resources

OSFTE strives to support high-quality teaching and learning experiences in the first-year within and outside of the classroom. To support faculty, staff, TAs, and undergraduate students who teach and/or work with first-year students, OSTFE provides support resources in the accordion panel to the right.

This is an accordion element with a series of buttons that open and close related content panels.

UW Resources

National Resources

Workshops, Training, and Consulting

OSTFE works with campus partners to provide tailored workshops for faculty, staff, TAs, and undergraduate students who teach and/or work with first-year students (freshman and transfer students). To the right are examples of recent workshops OSTFE has facilitated. Individualized support for developing, reviewing, or consulting on courses, lesson plans, activities, assignments, and programs for first-year students is also available. Contact the academic engagement team at academics@studentaffairs.wisc.edu for more information or to schedule workshop.
