First-Year Seminars

The course introduced me to encouraging faculty and supportive peers and helped me begin to make my college experience exactly what I want it to be.

 Makenzie S.

First-year seminars are small, discussion-based courses designed to support new students in their transition to academic and student life at the University of Wisconsin–Madison.

The Office for Student Transition and Family Engagement (OSTFE) recommends all new students participate in at least one first-year seminar during their first year at UW–Madison. To meet the needs and interests of our large, diverse, first-year class, UW–Madison provides different types of first-year seminars based on student population.

OSTFE administers CP125: The Wisconsin Experience Seminar for first-semester freshmen and transfer students.

First-Year Seminar Options

All new students (freshmen and transfers) are encouraged to enroll in at least one first-year seminar during their first year at UW–Madison to help them acclimate to academic and student life, connect with faculty and peers, and learn about the resources and opportunities available to them to make the most of their Wisconsin Experience.

Students who enroll in first-year seminars consistently earn higher first-year GPAs, persist and graduate at higher rates, and utilize University resources at a higher rate than students who do not enroll.

UW provides a number of different first-year seminar options for new students, including:

First-Year Interest Groups – Clusters of (usually) three UW courses linked together to explore a common theme with a small cohort.

Residential Learning Community Seminars – Courses for students living in residential learning communities to further explore their learning community theme.

School/College/Major/Program Seminars – Courses designed to orient students to their School or College, major, or program.
Students should speak with their academic advisor to determine which course(s) might be most helpful and relevant for them. Requirements for specific first-year seminars for Schools and Colleges, majors, and programs are outlined in Guide.

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Recommended Spring Seminars

In the spring semester, a number of seminars for freshmen and transfer students are available for students to explore topics of interest to them.

If you are interested in…

  • Engaging in conversations about race, class, gender, sexual orientation, ability and other aspects of identity, checkout Students Seeking Educational Equity and Diversity (COUN PSY 325).
  • Exploring human happiness and well-being, checkout Belonging, Purpose and the Ecology of Human Happiness: EcoYou (INTER-HE 201).
  • FIGs (First-Year Interest Groups), checkout spring FIGs.
  • improving your study skills and grades, checkout the Academic Enhancement Seminars.
  • knowledge and skills for making career and life decisions, take a career course through SuccessWorks.
  • Science and public service, checkout Exploring Service in Science (INTEGSCI 140).
  • Using technology for academic success, checkout Tech – A Tool for Academic Success (COUN PSY 115)

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More Information about First-Year Seminars

The University of Wisconsin–Madison offers a number of first-year seminars to help new students transition successfully to academic and student life at a large, public, research university. These courses are small (20 students or less) so students can get to know their instructor and classmates and engage in meaningful discussions. First-year seminars are considered a high impact educational practice because they have been proven to help students succeed by orientating them to the academic expectations of the university and connecting them to the resources, opportunities, and people that can help them make the most of their college experience and achieve their personal and career goals. Students who participate in first-year seminars have consistently been found to be more academically successful (higher GPAs), more likely to return to college each year, and more likely to graduate than students who do not participate in first-year seminars (Hunter & Linder, 2005; Pascarella & Terenzini, 2005).img_6289-crop-web

The University of Wisconsin–Madison offers nearly 30 different first-year seminars to meet the needs and interests of our diverse student population. The Center for the First-Year Experience recommends new students (freshmen and transfers) engage in at least one of these seminars. Based on their choice, some students may be interested in taking more than one.

There are four primary types of first-year seminars at UW–Madison (and some are hybrids):

  • College/Department Seminars are for students interested in particular majors or colleges. These courses help students better understand the discipline and the program’s expectations
  • First-Year Interest Groups (FIGs) are clusters of (usually) three courses that are linked together to explore a common theme. Students attend all three classes together as a cohort.
  • Residential Learning Community Seminars are for students living in a residential learning community. The courses vary on topic depending on the community.
  • University Transition Seminars help students acclimate to academic and student life at the University by connecting them to peers, resources, opportunities, and strategies for success.

Some students are required to participate in a first-year seminar. Including:

  • College of Agricultural and Life Sciences (CALS) students. Please visit Guide for a list of the approved CALS First-Year Seminar courses.
  • Direct admits to the College of Engineering. Those students are required to take Inter-Engineering 110: Introduction to Engineering.
  • Direct admits to the Wisconsin School of Business. Those students are required to enroll in General Business 365: Principles in Leadership, Ethics, Authenticity, and Development (LEAD).
  • PEOPLE, Posse, and UW Athletics students. Those students are required to enroll in a program-specific section of Counseling Psychology 115.

Have questions about instructing or attending a first-year seminar?

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